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ash catch yemper In Pokemon journeys the series future episode.

in a new poster we can see a yemper in side 0f GOH. But we know that ash is going to catch yemper in Pokémon journeys the series. 

In episode 2 ash see first galar Pokémon. It is yemper. That yemper is belong to Chloe.

But in opening song we can see ash all Pokémon. And yemper is also there. Now it is clear that ash catch yemper in future episode. And also yemper have a evolution.
 Yemper evolution is awesome. We can see yemper in future with ash ketchum

1 comment:

  1. LMAO No,he doesn't catch Yamper. Yamper is there basically because he's part of the main cast of the series. Also,this is literally poor grammar.


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